BCKCode Class Reference
Inherits from | NSObject |
Conforms to | BCKCoding |
Declared in | BCKCode.h |
This is the base class for all barcode variants:
- BCKEAN8Code - EAN-8 - International Standard ISO/IEC 15420
- BCKEAN13Code - EAN-13 (13-digit EAN or 12-digit UPC-A) - International Standard ISO/IEC 15420
- BCKUPCECode - UPC-E (shortened UPC) - International Standard ISO/IEC 15420
- BCKCode39Code - Code 39 - international standard ISO/IEC 16388
- BCKCode93Code - Code 93 - no international standard
- BCKInterleaved2of5Code - Interleaved 2 of 5 - International standard ISO/IEC 16390
- BCKCode128Code - Code 128 - International Standard ISO/IEC 15417
- BCKCode11Code - Code 11 - no international standard
- BCKMSICode - MSI or Modified Plessey barcode - no international standard
- BCKPharmacodeOneTrack - Pharmacode One Track - no international standard
- BCKCodabarCode - Codabar - no international standard
- BCKStandard2of5Code - Codabar - no international standard
- BCKFacingIdentificationMarkCode - FIM - no international standard
- BCKEAN2SupplementCode - no international standard
- BCKEAN5SupplementCode - no international standard
- BCKISBNCode - ISBN (10 and 13 characters) - International standard ISO 2108
- BCKISSNCode - ISSN - International standard ISO 3297
- BCKPOSTNETCode - POSTNET - no international standard
- BCKISMNCode - ISMN = International standard ISO 10957)
For rendering codes several options can be combined in an options dictionary:
- BCKCodeDrawingBarScaleOption - Multiplier for the bar width (default: 1)
- BCKCodeDrawingPrintCaptionOption - Whether the code caption should be printed (default:
) - BCKCodeDrawingCaptionFontNameOption - Which font face name to use for the caption (default: ‘OCRB’ for EAN/UPC and ‘Helvetica’ otherwise)
- BCKCodeDrawingCaptionFontPointSizeOption - Specifies a fixed value for the caption point size. Is usually calculated
- BCKCodeDrawingMarkerBarsOverlapCaptionPercentOption - Percentage of the caption height covered by elongated marker bars (default: 1.0)
- BCKCodeDrawingFillEmptyQuietZonesOption - Whether quiet zones should be filled with angle brackets (default:
) - BCKCodeDrawingDebugOption - Whether caption areas should be tinted for debugging (default:
) - BCKCodeDrawingShowCheckDigitsOption - Whether check digits are to be included in the printed caption (default:
) - BCKCodeDrawingBackgroundColorOption - The background color to fill the drawing canvas with (default: none)
- BCKCodeDrawingReduceBleedOption - Bars are drawn less wide to counteract bleeding on thermo printers (default:
Instance Methods
Renders the barcode symbol into a graphics context.
- (void)renderInContext:(CGContextRef)context options:(NSDictionary *)options
- context
The graphics context to render into.
- options
The rendering options.
Declared In
Calculates the graphics context’s size using the provided rendering options.
- (CGSize)sizeWithRenderOptions:(NSDictionary *)options
- options
An NSDictionary containig the requested rendering options.
Return Value
The size required to fit the barcode’s rendered barcode symbol.
Declared In