Declared in NSDictionary+DTError.h


A collection of useful additions for NSDictionary to deal with Property Lists and also to get error handling for malformed data.

Class Methods


Creates and returns a dictionary using the keys and values found in the given data.

+ (NSDictionary *)dictionaryWithContentsOfData:(NSData *)data error:(NSError **)error



The data object identified by data must contain a string representation of a property list whose root object is a dictionary.


If an error occurs, upon returns contains an NSError object that describes the problem. If you are not interested in possible errors, pass in NULL.

Return Value

A new dictionary that contains the dictionary at path, or nil if there is a file error or if the contents of the file are an invalid representation of a dictionary.

Declared In



Creates and returns a dictionary using the keys and values found in a file specified by a given path.

+ (NSDictionary *)dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path error:(NSError **)error



A full or relative pathname. The file identified by path must contain a string representation of a property list whose root object is a dictionary.


If an error occurs, upon returns contains an NSError object that describes the problem. If you are not interested in possible errors, pass in NULL.

Return Value

A new dictionary that contains the dictionary at path, or nil if there is a file error or if the contents of the file are an invalid representation of a dictionary.

Declared In



Creates and returns a dictionary using the keys and values found in a file specified by a given URL.

+ (NSDictionary *)dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)URL error:(NSError **)error



An URL. The file identified by URL must contain a string representation of a property list whose root object is a dictionary.


If an error occurs, upon returns contains an NSError object that describes the problem. If you are not interested in possible errors, pass in NULL.

Return Value

A new dictionary that contains the dictionary at path, or nil if there is a file error or if the contents of the file are an invalid representation of a dictionary.

Declared In
